Random Conversations

Random thoughts not always but mostly based on things I see, hear, read.. you get the drill.

Monday, October 03, 2005

What kind of an idiot is running things?

My nomination for idiot of the moment. Ok, I know this is my first post and this might turn a lot of people off but screw it, not like anyone is really going to be reading this right? So, what was Bush thinking? Appointing his legal council to the supreme court, a woman without any experience as a judge. Ok, I can hear it now.. but Justice so-and-so was never a judge and they've done a fine job. Yeah, right, but are you seriously telling me that this woman was the best candidate he could find after having - months - of actual time to search. I say actual time because you can bet your ass the minute he was nominated the first time he was making himself up a wish list of candidates.

Now if I take this by the high road, she's a woman, she has no actual strikes against her that I know about yet and I'm sure she must have some traits the liberal/democratic folks will like or Bush wouldn't have put her up. If I take this the way my gut wants me to I'd have to say - cronyism at its finest - and maybe half assed, if I point out she's a chick no one will look too close because that alone will make them happy, thought process on his part. Of course that does presume Bush has any, thought processes that is.

The Daily Show rocks. Consistantly. Honest to heaven I've - never - seen a bad episode. And it doesn't hurt that not only is John Stewart smart and funny but he's a cute little sob too.

Ebay. I admit it. I'm an addict. I was able to admit to my dependance the day I bought - on Ebay - a tee shirt that says - I have a life, I bought it on Ebay. - I haven't looked back yet.

Surface. Monday nights, NBC ( I think ), 8 pm PAC. Ok, I thought at first, this likely will suck but it could come across campy and fun. Imagine my surprise to find it's actually good and the moments of cheesy special effects actually work.


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