Random Conversations

Random thoughts not always but mostly based on things I see, hear, read.. you get the drill.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A weighty day so far.

Obese, overweight, obnoxious. Ok, first off for the sake of disclosure I am overweight. Hell, maybe even obese but I'm not sure what the clinical definition is. Now, that said, I'd like to tell these idiots who are trying to get obese people special protection against discrimination to quit it. If your fat ass won't fit into one airline seat then hell yes you have to pay for a second one. Now, I'm not talking about a little hangover, not talking about needing a belt extender, I'm talking about you fat asses who need one seat for each damn cheek. If you need to think twice before sitting down on commercially produced furniture, if you can't walk down a few - or many - flights of stairs to evacuate in an emergency or need any other special considerations then hell yes an employer has the right to not hire you. And don't come whining to me about it's a handicap and you deserve the same rights as the disabled. Bullshit. There is no reason to weigh five hundred pounds. If you have a medical condition that causes you to weigh five hundred pounds you should be in a hospital. And I'm not saying that fat people are lazy or undisciplined. I know what it is like to be a fat bastard. I know the discipline it takes to measure everything you eat, to pass up on the food you love and eat crap you hate in the effort to loose pounds. I know that for myself I'm a lot more active than people realize, that I'm strong and healthy. I don't have blood pressure issues, no diabetes, no joint troubles.

Smokers rights. I got a phone call the other day, a political survey about a proposed cigerette tax. Do I have a problem with an additional buck fifty per pack tax to help with the medical expenses incurred by hospitals by non-insured smokers. Hell yeah. In addition to that let me say I have no problem with employers who refuse to hire smokers, make smokers pay more for thier insurance or institute non-smoking policies that let them fire smokers. Oh, but I only smoke after work, on my own time, why should they be able to fire me for that? Because it's optional you jackass. No one makes you smoke. Oh, but I'm addicted... get your ass on the patch, the gum or whatever other help you need and quit. Smoking will kill you. If you were addicted to russian roulette you'd have better odds of surviving. Smoking will kill you and until it does it will fuck up your health. Smoking will also endanger the health of the people around you. But what about drinking or eatting junk food, that will be next! First off, unless you drink on the job alcohol doesn't have as much impact on the job. And no, I do not smoke. But, hey, I don't drink either.

I'm dreaming of a red.. october. Cardinals, Padres, National League series. I'm in heaven baby. Cards 8 Padres 5 - so far so good.


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