Random Conversations

Random thoughts not always but mostly based on things I see, hear, read.. you get the drill.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The good, the bad and the ugly.

The Good is all over the place today. Cardinals won game one of the NL Series. I got to order my new laptop months before I expected to. A new I Drew This was there this morning. I high scored at 2,695,000. points in Flipwit on Gameblast. Got to watch My Name is Earl last night.

The Bad hasn't been either that bad or been that much of it. The biggest was the screw up between me and the dentist which had me showing up a day early. Ok, normally, not a big deal, but that means I drove an hour and a half, did all the shit required to pack up the baby with her lunch and dropping her off with daddy, waited twenty minutes at the dentist before they realized I shouldn't have been there. And of course I also have to go back on the twentieth.

The Ugly well, it's a minor damn thing and I really asked for it. I heard a story on the news involving Craigslist and since I hadn't heard of it I looked it up online. It is a pretty cool site, you should check it out if you get the chance - www.craigslist.com - pick your city from the index at the right. So I discovered this section for rants and raves and here is where the ugly comes in. Ok, first off, before you go look and come back and whine at me that it's supposed to be able to be offensive, yada yada yada, it's not the content I have a problem with. If you don't have anything better to do than spread around racial slurs and show your boundless ignorance who am I to say anything. It's that you can't do it without smoking weed, getting drunk off your asses and without letting go of your dicks - or all the above and god only knows what else - to type clearly. U can't bother 2 spell out words and if you do your spelling makes me cry.

Todays gripe fits in with the above. Why is it that people I don't know well - and don't want to frankly - feel compelled to tell me how wasted they are online? It happened more when I played online on AOL more often, people I'd played with once or twice IM me just to say how high they are, how many fifths they have of whatever they are throwing back. As I mentioned, I haven't been playing on AOL in months, since before the baby really, and yet when I hop on to check mail at least once a week one of these idiots pounces to tell me. Short of blocking them - nothing - stops this, even telling them flat out that I don't want to hear it.
So, here it is guys. If you want to get loaded, be a silent drunk would you? If you want to get high, remember silence is golden.


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