Random Conversations

Random thoughts not always but mostly based on things I see, hear, read.. you get the drill.

Monday, October 17, 2005


Nuff said, ok not really. More proof tonight that you never leave a game until the last pitch courtesy of David Eckstein. Sure, it was Albert Pujols three run home run everyone is talking about but if not for Eckstein getting on base, and for that matter Jim Edmonds damn fine eye and getting walked, Pujols homer wouldn't have put us in position for the ninth inning come back. And as long as I'm handing out praise, Jason Isringhausen gets a damn fair share for that fabulous job of closing he did. So now we head back to St. Louis, down two games to three and I couldn't be happier.

Nothing sadder for me at this time of year than pumpkin rot. First Lakens one and now, sadly, mine. It hasn't collapsed but I can tell it is not long before it goes, it is listing hard and almost black inside from mold. Damn rainy fall I guess. Not to worry though, hubby promises to buy me another a few days before Halloween so not only do I have pumpkin joy but I get to carve another one.

Wouldn't you think that a five digit check deserves some special care, say a Fed-X or other overnight, traced delivery, rather than being shoved into a plain envelope? Granted, it only had the return address and not the name of the company and in no way suggested a check was enclosed but damn I am glad we were watching for it. I would have hated to have it vanish from the box because I didn't grab the mail soon as it was delivered.

Now here's a story, about a lovely lady... come on, sing along, I'm sure you know the words. Sadly if you were born in the last fifteen years you won't have any such luck with the shows produced in your time. The reason for the death of the television theme song? Commercials. It used to be that a thirty minute television show had, on average, twenty six minutes to fill so they had time for theme songs that told the story of the show. Today they have, on average just twenty minutes so the theme song was sacrificed.

Now a word from our sponsors another thing about commercials, is it just me or are they more annoying these days? They are at best boring, unimaginative and not very memorable. At worst they cover a condition or good that makes me want to turn off my television. It used to be kind of funny, you remember that oh so mysterious, not so fresh feeling. They managed to tell you the product without detailing its use. Now we get to be told what an abnormal length of time is for your erection. That this pill will help your depression with a low risk of sexual side effects. That if you have herpes this will help but you could still pass herpes on to your partner.

Dude Dell is the only exception on commercials, but it's not an award guys. Your new commercials are so-so, and you know everyone still thinks of the Dell Dude. Hey, I for one - miss - the Dell Dude. And yes, I own a Dell, just bought my second Dell laptop.

And speaking of shopping I got the recent Macmail circular and of course the newest Ipod is on the cover. This amuses me. It's not like the old one is that different from the new one, and really, how many versions do you need? But there is an advantage, when something new and shiney comes out they drop the price on the old and dull. So I'm thinking, hmn, maybe I'll get myself one of the originals. But my that Nano is tempting, damn it's bright shineyness.

Todays bitch is on the comments I've gotten on this blog. Both of them. They have been, as far as I am concerned, nothing but advertisements for products being sold - marketted - by other Blogspot members. Now I could delete the comments, and I think if I felt like anyone was really reading my blog maybe I would, but right now I don't think anyone is profitting so there they will stay.

And now the moment you've been waiting for here is the fun stuff!

Movies to see.

11:14, Hillary Swank and Patrick Swayze. Do not be discouraged by the description blurb on the box, this is a great movie.

Shaun of the Dead. No idea who was in it. Terrific movie. I meant to see this one when it came out but never had the opportunity and actually I am glad. I think it works better on the small screen. Funny alternative to the traditional scary movie fare.

Must see websites.

Peeping Tom. Funny little time waster, talking a minute of time but still worth it.

Postsecret. Updated on Sundays. Ongoing community art project where people mail in thier secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. This one will be added to my links.


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