Random Conversations

Random thoughts not always but mostly based on things I see, hear, read.. you get the drill.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Would you like fries with that?

Supersize me baby. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/03/10/health/main605157.shtml
The US House passed a bill - by a vote of 276-139 - that would prevent lawsuits against manufacturers and distributers of fast food for claims of causing obesity. This bothers me on so many levels. Ok, first off, doesn't it seem like most of our mothers covered this one? You knew what would happen when you did that yet you chose to do it anyway. In other words, you wanted that Big Mac, you ate that Big Mac, if you get fat it's not the Big Mac's fault it's yours. Now, in defense of the improbable, if those Big Mac did jump up and cram themselves down your throat, you might have a lawsuit. No one should need to tell you not to sue, let alone make it impossible for you to.
Secondly, this law prevents - all - lawsuits related to obesity. I'm not so sure these chains deserve to get off scott-free. They do target, very agressively, a vulnerable demographic in thier marketting to children. Not to let the parents off the hook, again no one is forcing them to buy Happy Meals or whatever else the chains are selling, but it is very difficult to be put into the position to have to say no in this climate. I don't know that legislation is the way to go but some tweaking definately could be done there.
Third - could this be a gateway bill? Would they start thinking, hmn, you know what? People aren't suing fast food, they are still obese and that is straining our healthcare system because a heavy percentage of those who eat a steady diet of this food are also reliant on public healthcare, maybe there should be a tax like on cigarettes.
And lastly - what will be next? My beloved chocolate? Cheesey Poofs? - gasp - Black Cherry IBC?

Does God drink lattes? I don't drink coffee so I must confess ignorance of the fact that apparently Starbucks has been putting literary quotes on thier coffee cups for the past year. None of this caught my attention or much of anyone elses apparently but now they've woken the beast that is Media. They are putting ones on thier cups from A Purpose Driven Life, adding God to your morning dosage. http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/news/article.adp?id=20051019074009990014&ncid=NWS00010000000001

Larry Bird that is. And if you don't remember who he is... well... that's for another rant. This one is about the release of the NBA's off-court dress code. Basically it says - any team functions, including traveling to and from games, and non-playing players on the bench will require proper attire. Suits and no bling. It seems that the commissioner of basketball wants to clean up the image of the sports atheletes. Seems they're getting confused for thugs, criminals and - gasp - rappers. And the players are protesting that it's a racially motivated rule because the main offenders are black. Now, I admit that I don't watch basketball except during the olympics and other than when they show up in court - hey anyone notice they don't mind wearing suits and leaving the bling wearing to thier wives/girlfriends then? - I don't take much notice of them. But I do have a definate memory of players being smart dressers once upon a time. Of people in general not showing up before a camera without being in a suit when you are paid ridiculous amounts of money to play sports. Michael Jordan doesn't seem to wear much 'hip hop' gear or bling and he's done alright for himself. Come on boys, be like Mike.

And briefly back to food, I eat more tv dinners than I should, but it's just easy and when you have a baby easy is good, and I've started picking the Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine route. Most of them are good enough, and all of them are better for you than they used to be - lower salt, balanced meal, all that hooey, but tonight I found an exceptional one. Healthy Choice garlic shrimp. Yummy shrimp with bow tie pasta in a creamy garlic sauce with green beans and carrots on the side.


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