Random Conversations

Random thoughts not always but mostly based on things I see, hear, read.. you get the drill.

Monday, February 13, 2006

So, back to business

Things you should know, if you've been paying attention.

Okay, we've hit month one at Curves and the results are as follows.
Gina - 1 pound - 11.25 inches!
Lyn - 4 pounds - 12 inches!

Let me just say, we - rock - truly and thoroughly, we rock.

Now, sure, I can hear you now. But it's only 4 pounds Lyn, in a full month of psuedo-dieting and trice weekly workouts. And to you I say - pffflleeeep. See, here is how this works. Working out, especially when you start out in fat city like me, makes your body sit up and scream at you then tone the muscle you have and build what it needs to maintain the new metabolism and exercise you are subjecting it to. And muscle weighs more than fat. So at first you lose pounds very slowly and inches rapidly. Eventually it will equal out so you are loosing pounds and inches in drastic numbers.

Next - Forgiveness is a bitch.
Or it is making me it's bitch, I'm not sure which. I have this tremendous rage inside me all directed at that cheating son of a bitch also known as my hubby. I don't know how to vent it without venting it on him. Which he may have coming, totally deserve but it's still not what I want to do. Maybe I need a real therapist, not just this blog to pour my soul out onto. Of course you, dear blog, are infinately cheaper.

Next - Olympics.
Okay, I'm a junkie. Hello, my name is Lyn G and I'm an olympaholic. Winter sports. Summer sports. Don't care which, it's all good. Men in speedos. Men in skin tight rubber suits. It's all good. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a total horndog, I love the sports too, hockey, speed skating, snowboarding, ski jump, all of it. Hell, I'll even watch curling.

Side note - waaa waaa waa.
I am so tired of hearing about Michele Quan. I'm sorry you've had to give up your chance at a Gold, sorry you're going home, but would you - leave - already? Well, to be fair, you did, it's the damn media that won't shut up about you. For the record, here is my opinion. You shouldn't have been in Torino to begin with. Medical waver my ass. You don't make the qualifiers, you don't compete like everyone else has too, you don't freaking get to go to the Olympics. Bully for you though, you said - if I can not compete I will step aside - and you did. You know your body and you didn't wait, didn't drag it out, you stepped aside gracefully, graciously praised your replacement, took your skates and went home. You are a great skater, you have revitalized the sport and showed dignity that some of your peers have been sorely missing over the years. Don't let this one missing element distract you from all you have done.

Next - fun, fun things.
I'm sure you've missed them so here are Lyn's fun things to do and see.

Mad Magazine.
Everyone loves it, might not always admit it but they do. I will buy Mad every once in a while, usually when I'm suffering through a cold or otherwise will be stuck in bed for a day, and the last time that happened I saw an advertizement that made me go - hmn. Mad For Kids. Mad. Mad, for kids. But, isn't Mad - for - kids already?

Sci-Fi Channel.
Movie of the moment. Made for Sci-Fi, at least I'm pretty sure it was. Ready folks? Chupacabra: Dark Seas - 2005
legendary Mexican demon vampire type creature is turned loose on a cruise ship
John Rhys-Davies the voice of Gimli, real Shakespearian actor, Shogun, Merchant of Venice, Henry VIII, I Claudius, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Sliders.
Do yourself a favor and watch for this one, or rent it at Blockbuster... hmn, maybe even Netflix. One of the best bad B movies I've seen in a while, and I watch - alot - of the made for Sci-Fi movies so that's saying something.

Porn, it's everywhere you want to be.
Yup, would have been better if this was a tie in to a Visa comment, but no. Porn on the Ipod.
Is that an Ipod in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?

And definately not least but last anyway,
Hot Johnny http://hotjohnny.blogspot.com/
Very funny man, do yourself a service and read the previous entries. Lots of very good writing.


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