Random Conversations

Random thoughts not always but mostly based on things I see, hear, read.. you get the drill.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Sometimes people suck.

I hurt someone, several someones actually, about a year ago now, but it was a necessary thing to do because if I had waited any longer to speak out it would have been far worse. Hurt me too by the way, but that's the least of it. So, I did it, they vented, and it had seemed like we've moved forward. We are all friends still, and I thought that now, a year later, it was in the past. Seems that it wasn't. One of them brought it up last night.

I hadn't spoken with her in - months - before last night and before that we hadn't spoken regularly in months. Mostly her not being online due to work and boyfriend time issues. But last night she made a point to talk to me online and tell me she'd written a poem about it. And that she felt much better but I came off very bad in it.

Now, if she had wanted - or needed - me to read it so she'd have some closure, fine, I would have. But she didn't ask and hey since I'm not looking for more guilt I didn't offer. But I am feeling it all over again anyway. Sure, might be hormone induced - postnatal plus the joy of my monthly hitting today of all days - but I still think she didn't need to tell me. So. Freakin. Annoying. I hate feeling this way, I felt this way for weeks after I 'confessed' to them. Better than continuing the lie but hell, bad in a whole harvest way.

Whats worse is I don't know if she did it intending to make me feel bad, which honestly I doubt, or if she never thought it could hurt.


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