Random Conversations

Random thoughts not always but mostly based on things I see, hear, read.. you get the drill.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

You try to be constantly clever with titles.

It's not as easy as it looks.

Boise Idaho doesn't sound like a hotbed of political protest does it? I mean, really, other than the entire sweet vs baking potato thing. But activists put Heterosexual Only stickers all over downtown near the courthouse. On benchs, waterfountains, that sort of thing. It is in protest of yet another marriage is for a man and woman only law being presented and is supposed to be reminscent of colored/white only signs in the south. Now, while I certainly agree that marriage should be open to anyone regardless of gender of the parties involved I have to draw a line here. No one is asking gays to sit at the back of the bus, in seperate train cars, not dine where they wish or where they can or can't squat when nature calls. No one has tried to keep gays from the voting booth. The desire to have the right to marry who you wish is far too serious for cheap tactics.

Soul for sale.

Cheap. An atheist offered the world - or at least the world who Ebays - an opportunity to save his soul. For every ten dollar incriment of the winning bid the seller agrees to spend one hour in church. Since the sale ended at five hundred and four dollars that was a solid fifty hours of church time, more than enough to convert the seller, at least in theory. Evangelists bid, eager to save a sinner. Atheists bid, hoping to keep Mr. Mehta in their fold. When the auction stopped on Feb. 3 after 41 bids, the buyer was Jim Henderson, a former evangelical minister from Seattle. Click the link to see more on what happened next. http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/business/article.adp?id=20060309145709990003&ncid=NWS00010000000001

On a personal note.

Things are going along well. The baby is going to be a year old on the fifteenth. I can't believe it. Most days it's hard to believe it's been a full year. Other days it's like some Twilight Zone episode where years pass inside the house even though only a day passes outside. So far those days are few and far between.

CURVES is still working, this month I was down two pounds and four inchs.

I am still having huge trust issues. When he works late I can't help but go to that place in my head and I end up simmering like it was all yesterday. I really don't need for this pain to be so damn fresh but I know it's unrealistic to expect it to not be.

We got doves, I know adding birds to a cat household could be the set up for real hijinks but no, not so far. Interesting thing to know about doves - they coo all the time and they coo loud. Loud as in you can hear them when you are upstairs in bed and they are downstairs. All day long, loud coos wouldn't be all bad but there is this other sound they make that freaks me out. It's like a cackle. They are also a lot of work, change the paper and give them fresh food and water every other day.


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