Random Conversations

Random thoughts not always but mostly based on things I see, hear, read.. you get the drill.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

A suggestion for Friday and other things.

Numbers. If you've missed this show you need to correct that error. It is on CBS, Friday nights, stars Rob Morrow and a very - very - hot David Krumholtz. I admit when I first heard about it I wasn't caught, math genius helps his FBI agent brother solve crimes, but it's really remarkably well done. And did I mention the math genius brother is delicious?

Where have all the reactionary Christians gone? I miss the days when the 700 Club and other evangelical organizations used to panic over Halloween. You could count on a solid two weeks of shows highlighting the evils of Halloween, how we were sending our children directly on the road to hell and handing them a pumpkin faced flashlight to light thier way. Or how we evil Pagans were sex-crazed, devil worshiping pawns of Satan. Some of them got outright foamy lipped over the subject. So amusing to me, but so far this year, no shows. They're too busy objecting to the Miers nomination maybe.

Todays scary story is sadly not Halloween themed. I've always said the average person these days is too close to a sheep for our own good and here is a scary bit of information. They've developed a way to control a person with a remote control. http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/business/article.adp?id=20051025163809990030&ncid=NWS00010000000001

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bruised, sprained but nothing was broken.

Nothing broken I repeat that because it'll be important to some of the people who read this. And I wasn't holding the baby at the time so that covers the bases. I have a new appreciation for the power of tile floors though, I've never slipped like this on carpet. Twisted the hell out of my knee and ankle, cracked my head on the bannister and wrenched my elbow trying to catch myself. The culprit you might ask, all the fault of the cat. Usually when he's sick it's visible this time it wasn't. Bare feet on wet tile = a spill. I also am thinking the fact I was in a hurry factored into it, believe it or not I'm not usually that clumsy. Unless of course I am decending a staircase.

Halloween the good and the bad. The bad first. On the news today I caught the tail end of a story about pedophiles being restricted from serving candy to trick or treaters on Halloween. Wow. It disturbs me that I never thought about this. Of course I wouldn't ever let my kid go out alone. With all the Megans Law sites online people can find out where sex offenders live but not the exact street address which makes me wonder, how would you know?

The good. Halloween.com, a great website with just about everything you could want. Halloween greeting cards, Halloween screensavers, Halloween events, Costumes for kids, Halloween games, to Halloween safety to trick or treating information and everything in between

Reasons to be glad you are no longer dating. A woman who occassionally posts a personals ad on Craigslist has started a blog posting some of the replies she has received. It's great fun to read - here is a sampling -
When people see me, they have the impression that I am normal and sometimes even shy, but they are quite wrong. Actually, the ones that look normal are actually the dangerous one.(Whoop. No date. Don’t want to end up with my face on a milk carton.)
I am not interested in sex right away; however, I will bend you over my knee and spank you like a littel girl.(Great icebreaker, I guess. “Hi. My name is Mark. *WHACK!* Don’t worry, I don’t want to have sex.” Is it me or is it more creepy that he does not want to have sex, but DOES want to spank right away?)
So, if you want a guy that will come over, fuck you, eat your food and leave while you sleep in the middle of the night without so much as a note, I'm your guy.(I think I dated you already)
change my hairstyle 2 times a year...depends how much dandruff I have...itch(not… the line to open with.)

Monday, October 24, 2005

Back with the happy.

Eight days and counting, welcome to Halloween week! For those of you who know me I'm a bit of a, shall we say, enthusiast? Halloween is my - favorite - holiday, if I could I'd make it a national holiday! So, to kick things off right here are two fabulous treats for you.
Taken http://www.biteycastle.com/taken.htm scary freaking thing.
Frank http://www.biteycastle.com/frankWindow.html not scary but funny as heck.
Ken finally has hit his mid-life crisis. Seems two years after dumping that bitch Barbie he's decided to try and win her back by having a make-over. Come on Ken, we all know the truth. It's GI Joe you really want. http://www.nynewsday.com/entertainment/custom/fashion/nyc-barbken,0,2413885.story?coll=nyc-fashion-headlines.
Not everyone from Love Boat could get government work. Captain Stubbing - aka Gavin Macleod - is doing football handicapping on Letterman.
It plays in Peoria but will it play in Arab countries? The Simpsons are being exported with some major changes to fit the culture. No more beer - Homers Duff will now be a soft drink - pork products and Moes bar will be eliminated entirely. No word yet on the girls attire or if there will be changes to Apu. http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/story?id=1227362&page=1

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Sometimes people suck.

I hurt someone, several someones actually, about a year ago now, but it was a necessary thing to do because if I had waited any longer to speak out it would have been far worse. Hurt me too by the way, but that's the least of it. So, I did it, they vented, and it had seemed like we've moved forward. We are all friends still, and I thought that now, a year later, it was in the past. Seems that it wasn't. One of them brought it up last night.

I hadn't spoken with her in - months - before last night and before that we hadn't spoken regularly in months. Mostly her not being online due to work and boyfriend time issues. But last night she made a point to talk to me online and tell me she'd written a poem about it. And that she felt much better but I came off very bad in it.

Now, if she had wanted - or needed - me to read it so she'd have some closure, fine, I would have. But she didn't ask and hey since I'm not looking for more guilt I didn't offer. But I am feeling it all over again anyway. Sure, might be hormone induced - postnatal plus the joy of my monthly hitting today of all days - but I still think she didn't need to tell me. So. Freakin. Annoying. I hate feeling this way, I felt this way for weeks after I 'confessed' to them. Better than continuing the lie but hell, bad in a whole harvest way.

Whats worse is I don't know if she did it intending to make me feel bad, which honestly I doubt, or if she never thought it could hurt.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Would you like fries with that?

Supersize me baby. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/03/10/health/main605157.shtml
The US House passed a bill - by a vote of 276-139 - that would prevent lawsuits against manufacturers and distributers of fast food for claims of causing obesity. This bothers me on so many levels. Ok, first off, doesn't it seem like most of our mothers covered this one? You knew what would happen when you did that yet you chose to do it anyway. In other words, you wanted that Big Mac, you ate that Big Mac, if you get fat it's not the Big Mac's fault it's yours. Now, in defense of the improbable, if those Big Mac did jump up and cram themselves down your throat, you might have a lawsuit. No one should need to tell you not to sue, let alone make it impossible for you to.
Secondly, this law prevents - all - lawsuits related to obesity. I'm not so sure these chains deserve to get off scott-free. They do target, very agressively, a vulnerable demographic in thier marketting to children. Not to let the parents off the hook, again no one is forcing them to buy Happy Meals or whatever else the chains are selling, but it is very difficult to be put into the position to have to say no in this climate. I don't know that legislation is the way to go but some tweaking definately could be done there.
Third - could this be a gateway bill? Would they start thinking, hmn, you know what? People aren't suing fast food, they are still obese and that is straining our healthcare system because a heavy percentage of those who eat a steady diet of this food are also reliant on public healthcare, maybe there should be a tax like on cigarettes.
And lastly - what will be next? My beloved chocolate? Cheesey Poofs? - gasp - Black Cherry IBC?

Does God drink lattes? I don't drink coffee so I must confess ignorance of the fact that apparently Starbucks has been putting literary quotes on thier coffee cups for the past year. None of this caught my attention or much of anyone elses apparently but now they've woken the beast that is Media. They are putting ones on thier cups from A Purpose Driven Life, adding God to your morning dosage. http://aolsvc.news.aol.com/news/article.adp?id=20051019074009990014&ncid=NWS00010000000001

Larry Bird that is. And if you don't remember who he is... well... that's for another rant. This one is about the release of the NBA's off-court dress code. Basically it says - any team functions, including traveling to and from games, and non-playing players on the bench will require proper attire. Suits and no bling. It seems that the commissioner of basketball wants to clean up the image of the sports atheletes. Seems they're getting confused for thugs, criminals and - gasp - rappers. And the players are protesting that it's a racially motivated rule because the main offenders are black. Now, I admit that I don't watch basketball except during the olympics and other than when they show up in court - hey anyone notice they don't mind wearing suits and leaving the bling wearing to thier wives/girlfriends then? - I don't take much notice of them. But I do have a definate memory of players being smart dressers once upon a time. Of people in general not showing up before a camera without being in a suit when you are paid ridiculous amounts of money to play sports. Michael Jordan doesn't seem to wear much 'hip hop' gear or bling and he's done alright for himself. Come on boys, be like Mike.

And briefly back to food, I eat more tv dinners than I should, but it's just easy and when you have a baby easy is good, and I've started picking the Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine route. Most of them are good enough, and all of them are better for you than they used to be - lower salt, balanced meal, all that hooey, but tonight I found an exceptional one. Healthy Choice garlic shrimp. Yummy shrimp with bow tie pasta in a creamy garlic sauce with green beans and carrots on the side.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

No joy in mudville.

So close and yet so far. Granted, the score wasn't close, but anyone who saw game 5 knows what I mean. Not likely we could have pulled a miracle out of our... hats.. twice in a row. So, ok, thanks for the ride boys, I'm starting the count down to spring training today.

Am I the only one the dental hygenist tries to drown? She uses this tool to clean my teeth, uses water, sort of a water pick on steriods coupled with the sharp pick as well. And she keeps the vacuum right there but somehow I still feel like I am drowning every couple of minutes. And to top it off, I need to have three crowns replaced due to wear. I - hate - dental work, really, really do but crowns bother me more most things. I think it's that you're walking around for a couple weeks with the temporaries, constantly paranoid that they'll fall out and then - hello - raw, exposed tooth pain. Especially uppers - which these three are - but, hey, done must be done.

Promise kept. I promised that if I found a link to information on the opera based on the Harding/Kerrigan story I would provide it to you. Try to contain your joy, here it is. http://sports.espn.go.com/oly/news/story?id=2190171

Is it wrong to laugh? Bob Schwartz, Gov. Bill Richardson's crime advisor, authored a bill that allows owners of dangerous dogs to be charged with a felony. Mr. Schwartz was hospitalized Sunday after being attacked.. by.. his.. dog. I know I'm not the only one laughing. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory?id=1228703

NEW FOAMY. And that easily my heart sings with joy! Go, see the magnificence that is Foamy.

Oh! New link! I would like to take this moment to welcome Brooklyn Bunny, Roebling. This is a really neat site that lets you see Roebling and occassionally his ( hmn, presuming you're a boy Roebling ) owners. Thanks to Carol, Kevin's sister, for thinking of me when they were testing the site and to Kevin, Kate & Roebling for letting me link them. While you're there buy a magnet or something why don't ya? http://www.brooklynbunny.com/

Monday, October 17, 2005


Nuff said, ok not really. More proof tonight that you never leave a game until the last pitch courtesy of David Eckstein. Sure, it was Albert Pujols three run home run everyone is talking about but if not for Eckstein getting on base, and for that matter Jim Edmonds damn fine eye and getting walked, Pujols homer wouldn't have put us in position for the ninth inning come back. And as long as I'm handing out praise, Jason Isringhausen gets a damn fair share for that fabulous job of closing he did. So now we head back to St. Louis, down two games to three and I couldn't be happier.

Nothing sadder for me at this time of year than pumpkin rot. First Lakens one and now, sadly, mine. It hasn't collapsed but I can tell it is not long before it goes, it is listing hard and almost black inside from mold. Damn rainy fall I guess. Not to worry though, hubby promises to buy me another a few days before Halloween so not only do I have pumpkin joy but I get to carve another one.

Wouldn't you think that a five digit check deserves some special care, say a Fed-X or other overnight, traced delivery, rather than being shoved into a plain envelope? Granted, it only had the return address and not the name of the company and in no way suggested a check was enclosed but damn I am glad we were watching for it. I would have hated to have it vanish from the box because I didn't grab the mail soon as it was delivered.

Now here's a story, about a lovely lady... come on, sing along, I'm sure you know the words. Sadly if you were born in the last fifteen years you won't have any such luck with the shows produced in your time. The reason for the death of the television theme song? Commercials. It used to be that a thirty minute television show had, on average, twenty six minutes to fill so they had time for theme songs that told the story of the show. Today they have, on average just twenty minutes so the theme song was sacrificed.

Now a word from our sponsors another thing about commercials, is it just me or are they more annoying these days? They are at best boring, unimaginative and not very memorable. At worst they cover a condition or good that makes me want to turn off my television. It used to be kind of funny, you remember that oh so mysterious, not so fresh feeling. They managed to tell you the product without detailing its use. Now we get to be told what an abnormal length of time is for your erection. That this pill will help your depression with a low risk of sexual side effects. That if you have herpes this will help but you could still pass herpes on to your partner.

Dude Dell is the only exception on commercials, but it's not an award guys. Your new commercials are so-so, and you know everyone still thinks of the Dell Dude. Hey, I for one - miss - the Dell Dude. And yes, I own a Dell, just bought my second Dell laptop.

And speaking of shopping I got the recent Macmail circular and of course the newest Ipod is on the cover. This amuses me. It's not like the old one is that different from the new one, and really, how many versions do you need? But there is an advantage, when something new and shiney comes out they drop the price on the old and dull. So I'm thinking, hmn, maybe I'll get myself one of the originals. But my that Nano is tempting, damn it's bright shineyness.

Todays bitch is on the comments I've gotten on this blog. Both of them. They have been, as far as I am concerned, nothing but advertisements for products being sold - marketted - by other Blogspot members. Now I could delete the comments, and I think if I felt like anyone was really reading my blog maybe I would, but right now I don't think anyone is profitting so there they will stay.

And now the moment you've been waiting for here is the fun stuff!

Movies to see.

11:14, Hillary Swank and Patrick Swayze. Do not be discouraged by the description blurb on the box, this is a great movie.

Shaun of the Dead. No idea who was in it. Terrific movie. I meant to see this one when it came out but never had the opportunity and actually I am glad. I think it works better on the small screen. Funny alternative to the traditional scary movie fare.

Must see websites.

Peeping Tom. Funny little time waster, talking a minute of time but still worth it.

Postsecret. Updated on Sundays. Ongoing community art project where people mail in thier secrets anonymously on one side of a homemade postcard. This one will be added to my links.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Thursday, for lack of a title.

If with six you get eggroll what the hell do you get with sixteen. Michelle Duggar, aged 39, just had her sixteenth child. Let me repeat that last part, her sixteenth child. Do the math with me children, she started at 21, has had two sets of twins, so this means she's gone through pregnancy fourteen times in eighteen years. Go check out the story if you are so inclined http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9680098. Now, don't get me wrong, if you can support your children, emotionally and monetarily, breed all you want. And as far as I know this family is doing that, so more power to them. But unless you are trying to field a sports team, run a large farm, or seeding your own cult what do you need sixteen kids for? If every child is a blessing from god, why not adopt some of the unwanted blessings already here? As mentioned in this space I have one child and I hope/intend/desire to have one more. Replacing myself on the planet is a responsible amount of reproduction, at least that's my feeling on it. If I need more for whatever reason I'd be more inclined to foster kids in need. But that's just me.

Bushs heart to heart (s) with the soldiers faked? And who is surprised by this revelation? Prior to the press conference news cameras captured a White House official coaching the soldiers, 'we don't want any stuttering', telling them how to respond should something come up that they had not scripted, which soldier should get handed the microphone and my personal favorite - that smiles wouldn't hurt things back here at home - and yet the White House still claims these things are unscripted.

Rumor. A friend told me that the Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan foolishness is being put together in ice opera form. Could not find any information on it online, if I do I'll let you know. Can't decide if it's sad, funny or sick. Maybe all three.

The pumpkin died. We had a pumpkin carving afternoon here on Sunday, so much fun, so very cathartic for me I actually scared my friend a little I think since by the end she was threatening to take the little saws away from me, and then today, sadness. The one her daughter did died during the night. I came down this morning to find it collapsed. So far mine is just dandy.

More sadness. The Cardinals lost tonight. I shouldn't be surprised really, last year we went the full seven games to beat them. So now the series is tied 1-1 and I'm not worried, I have my ralley monkey, a seemingly endless supply of Cardinals apparrel and a six pack of black cherry soda. Bring it on Astros.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The good, the bad and the ugly.

The Good is all over the place today. Cardinals won game one of the NL Series. I got to order my new laptop months before I expected to. A new I Drew This was there this morning. I high scored at 2,695,000. points in Flipwit on Gameblast. Got to watch My Name is Earl last night.

The Bad hasn't been either that bad or been that much of it. The biggest was the screw up between me and the dentist which had me showing up a day early. Ok, normally, not a big deal, but that means I drove an hour and a half, did all the shit required to pack up the baby with her lunch and dropping her off with daddy, waited twenty minutes at the dentist before they realized I shouldn't have been there. And of course I also have to go back on the twentieth.

The Ugly well, it's a minor damn thing and I really asked for it. I heard a story on the news involving Craigslist and since I hadn't heard of it I looked it up online. It is a pretty cool site, you should check it out if you get the chance - www.craigslist.com - pick your city from the index at the right. So I discovered this section for rants and raves and here is where the ugly comes in. Ok, first off, before you go look and come back and whine at me that it's supposed to be able to be offensive, yada yada yada, it's not the content I have a problem with. If you don't have anything better to do than spread around racial slurs and show your boundless ignorance who am I to say anything. It's that you can't do it without smoking weed, getting drunk off your asses and without letting go of your dicks - or all the above and god only knows what else - to type clearly. U can't bother 2 spell out words and if you do your spelling makes me cry.

Todays gripe fits in with the above. Why is it that people I don't know well - and don't want to frankly - feel compelled to tell me how wasted they are online? It happened more when I played online on AOL more often, people I'd played with once or twice IM me just to say how high they are, how many fifths they have of whatever they are throwing back. As I mentioned, I haven't been playing on AOL in months, since before the baby really, and yet when I hop on to check mail at least once a week one of these idiots pounces to tell me. Short of blocking them - nothing - stops this, even telling them flat out that I don't want to hear it.
So, here it is guys. If you want to get loaded, be a silent drunk would you? If you want to get high, remember silence is golden.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Love those links.

So since IDT hadn't yet updated I went to look at some of his links. So glad I did. Check out this offering from Film Strip International Here. Worth a moment of your time, though probably not safe for work. Make that seriously unlikely to be safe at work. As long as I'm on the subject, check out I Drew This, a great political comic by D.C. Simpson,

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Ok, so no doubt its just me.

The first nine months are the easiest part of motherhood. Hell, to some parts of it I bet even labor will come up as a breeze. Now, I've been lucky about the post-pardum deal and all, haven't had it, but I have been living in hormone hell since I got pregnant and it hasn't stopped. I still cry at the dumbest things, a good, sappy phone commercial for instance, and my short temper is legendary. At least to my hubby, with everyone else it seems just fine. I cried at the end of Corpse Bride for heavens sake. Now the reason I mention this is...

We'll come over and watch the game. Was the understanding - I - had of things so imagine my surprise when noone called to say they weren't coming and yet - without a word about why they hadn't showed up - they im'd - during the game - to see if they could come by today. Now, of course I held my temper, said nothing other than sure and yet... I was so freakin' pissed. So, my guess is, it's hormones.

In good news the Cards swept the Padres and Houston beat the Braves so depending on the results of that series we're still in the running and I'm hopedul we will get the match up with Houston I want.

I got my Halloween packages sent out yesterday, a new record. I also received one from my brother which was fabulous. Not as scary as I am used to but fun anyway.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Oh happy day!

New Foamy. Foamy the Squirell, wonderful new squirelly goodness. Go. Go now. Trust me, the rest of my thoughts will wait. Oh, the squirelly goodness.

You had me at.. omg. Tom Cruise is expecting. Ok, technically, his fiance' is expecting but still, oi. Now, wouldn't it be interesting if he gets a first hand view of how vitamins and exercize can't cure post-partum depression?

Martha. Am I the only person who thinks jail was a good thing for her? Am I also the only person who isn't interested in her? Never has been for that matter. Enough already, Martha, get off my television - do we really need another reality tv show - or at least go back to cable where I can ignore you.

Speaking of do we really need... I never thought it was going to happen but I find myself burning out on Law and Order. Now, that's a relative statement mind you. I've watched like.. three episodes this week before I decided to skip tonights show. I even watched a big chunk of the marathon this past weekend. They tried to premiere another Law & Order and it was dropped so fast I can't even remember the modifier. Trial something I think. I still love LO: Criminal Intent. And LO:SVU is pretty good most of the time but the chemistry on the new show just isn't there for me anymore. I find this is true for CSI as well. Love the original but the two spinoffs just didn't have the same kind of catch. They duplicated the formula but that's just all they did, I kept looking for the Vegas people to show up.

So the question is how much do we really need of a good thing? Would the original LO still be holding my attention if they hadn't spunoff and spread the concept thin? Will the original CSI suffer the same fate?

Things I'm looking forward to.
Cardinals, Padres, game 2, Thursday.
Giving the baby banana for the first time, today was applesauce so banana is next.
Starting either Mercedes Lackey or Tanya Huffs new book sitting here staring at me accusingly.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

A weighty day so far.

Obese, overweight, obnoxious. Ok, first off for the sake of disclosure I am overweight. Hell, maybe even obese but I'm not sure what the clinical definition is. Now, that said, I'd like to tell these idiots who are trying to get obese people special protection against discrimination to quit it. If your fat ass won't fit into one airline seat then hell yes you have to pay for a second one. Now, I'm not talking about a little hangover, not talking about needing a belt extender, I'm talking about you fat asses who need one seat for each damn cheek. If you need to think twice before sitting down on commercially produced furniture, if you can't walk down a few - or many - flights of stairs to evacuate in an emergency or need any other special considerations then hell yes an employer has the right to not hire you. And don't come whining to me about it's a handicap and you deserve the same rights as the disabled. Bullshit. There is no reason to weigh five hundred pounds. If you have a medical condition that causes you to weigh five hundred pounds you should be in a hospital. And I'm not saying that fat people are lazy or undisciplined. I know what it is like to be a fat bastard. I know the discipline it takes to measure everything you eat, to pass up on the food you love and eat crap you hate in the effort to loose pounds. I know that for myself I'm a lot more active than people realize, that I'm strong and healthy. I don't have blood pressure issues, no diabetes, no joint troubles.

Smokers rights. I got a phone call the other day, a political survey about a proposed cigerette tax. Do I have a problem with an additional buck fifty per pack tax to help with the medical expenses incurred by hospitals by non-insured smokers. Hell yeah. In addition to that let me say I have no problem with employers who refuse to hire smokers, make smokers pay more for thier insurance or institute non-smoking policies that let them fire smokers. Oh, but I only smoke after work, on my own time, why should they be able to fire me for that? Because it's optional you jackass. No one makes you smoke. Oh, but I'm addicted... get your ass on the patch, the gum or whatever other help you need and quit. Smoking will kill you. If you were addicted to russian roulette you'd have better odds of surviving. Smoking will kill you and until it does it will fuck up your health. Smoking will also endanger the health of the people around you. But what about drinking or eatting junk food, that will be next! First off, unless you drink on the job alcohol doesn't have as much impact on the job. And no, I do not smoke. But, hey, I don't drink either.

I'm dreaming of a red.. october. Cardinals, Padres, National League series. I'm in heaven baby. Cards 8 Padres 5 - so far so good.

Monday, October 03, 2005

What kind of an idiot is running things?

My nomination for idiot of the moment. Ok, I know this is my first post and this might turn a lot of people off but screw it, not like anyone is really going to be reading this right? So, what was Bush thinking? Appointing his legal council to the supreme court, a woman without any experience as a judge. Ok, I can hear it now.. but Justice so-and-so was never a judge and they've done a fine job. Yeah, right, but are you seriously telling me that this woman was the best candidate he could find after having - months - of actual time to search. I say actual time because you can bet your ass the minute he was nominated the first time he was making himself up a wish list of candidates.

Now if I take this by the high road, she's a woman, she has no actual strikes against her that I know about yet and I'm sure she must have some traits the liberal/democratic folks will like or Bush wouldn't have put her up. If I take this the way my gut wants me to I'd have to say - cronyism at its finest - and maybe half assed, if I point out she's a chick no one will look too close because that alone will make them happy, thought process on his part. Of course that does presume Bush has any, thought processes that is.

The Daily Show rocks. Consistantly. Honest to heaven I've - never - seen a bad episode. And it doesn't hurt that not only is John Stewart smart and funny but he's a cute little sob too.

Ebay. I admit it. I'm an addict. I was able to admit to my dependance the day I bought - on Ebay - a tee shirt that says - I have a life, I bought it on Ebay. - I haven't looked back yet.

Surface. Monday nights, NBC ( I think ), 8 pm PAC. Ok, I thought at first, this likely will suck but it could come across campy and fun. Imagine my surprise to find it's actually good and the moments of cheesy special effects actually work.


this is just a test